VladimirMacHolzraum on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/vladimirmacholzraum/art/Windswept-Season-3-Twilight-Sparkle-314534728VladimirMacHolzraum

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VladimirMacHolzraum's avatar

Windswept Season 3 Twilight Sparkle



Twilight Sparkle from the season 3 teaser.
More info: [link]

I had to do much of the legs and tail without a reference, and the screenshot was pretty poor quality, so let me know if anything looks weird.

Edit: LOL, it seems like everyone's doing this. I knew I should have picked a different part of the video.
Edit 2: Fixed the eye, thanks to =flutterguy317
Edit 3 (10-4): Fixed error where one of the front legs attached to the body. I also fudged with the shape of the hooves a bit. I think I was actually using too few nodes before.


:bulletpurple: From season 3 teaser [link].
:bulletpurple: Now in stunning 360p! [link]

:bulletpurple: Just watch the damn episode: [link]
:bulletpurple: Screenshot used (S3E01, The Crystal Empire - Part 1): [link]
:bulletpurple: Inkscape SVG: [link]
Image size
6000x8447px 1.43 MB
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